
Showing posts from 2020

September Online Store Update!

Body waxing: Do’s, don’ts, and what to expect

No shave 2020: Why you should wax versus shave!

May Online Store Update!

There's nothing wrong with getting some professional help!

Skincare for Your Face Post Gym!

Textured foreheads! LOL Yes, my skin is a little weird

How to keep your skin looking great between facials...

March Online Store Update!

Oils, oils, and more oils: Benefits of Argan oil, Grapeseed oil, Jojoba oil, and Olive oil

Essential Oils

Benefits of body oils...

An introverted-extrovert trying to navigate social media and marketing…

Everything you need for your online store!

Balancing a 9-5 with developing my online store all while getting acclimated to a new state!

We aren’t all planners, but as the quote goes “those who fail to plan, plan to fail”!

January Online Store Update!

Treat Yo'self 2019!