No shave 2020: Why you should wax versus shave!

When I was a little girl, I would see my mom’s shaving razor in the shower and was so eager for my chance to shave. As an adult, I can’t imagine putting a razor to my skin...especially the bikini area. Shaving is convenient in many ways. You can do it yourself. Razors are easy to find. If you find yourself going on an impromptu date and you see a few too many hairs under your arms, you can always pull out a razor and be ready to go. However, I would argue that there are better methods of hair removal for your skin. Done properly, shaving is fine but requires some additional skin maintenance and adds no value to the skin. Waxing, on the other hand, when done professional is not only harmless but can be beneficial to the skin.

Shaving can leave you with cuts or razor burns. In addition, the hair grows back ridiculously fast leading to frequent shaving and over-exfoliated skin. With waxing, the hair is removed by the root. The hair takes much longer to grow back than with shaving. When your hair does grow back after waxing, it will grow back thinner and sparser. Because you are removing hair form the root and exfoliating the skin, after a wax, you'll probably find the at your skin is the smoothest it has ever been. Not only does waxing remove hair, it's an exfoliator that removes dead skin cells from the surface, which means you're receiving hair removal and skincare all in one.

I can’t imagine missing my wax appointment. That is one part of grooming that I never skip out on. Although the pain can be a bit much at the beginning, there’s nothing like the silky-smooth lasting results of a wax. Plus, the pain becomes almost nonexistent after so long. For me leg and underarm waxing has never been painful. Brazilian waxes on the other hand…. that’s a different story. At the beginning they were pretty high on the WTF scale (like a 10 on a scale of 1-10). Now they are about a 2. I hear a lot of praise about laser hair removal. I haven’t tried that yet and honestly, for some reason I’m not that inclined to. All-in-all, ladies let’s ditch the razors for good!



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