Balancing a 9-5 with developing my online store all while getting acclimated to a new state!

I am fortunate enough to have a 9-5 that I love. I genuinely like and appreciate what I do. And fortunately for me, my job isn’t so demanding that I can’t find time to follow other passions. However, getting into a rhythm and place where everything flows fine is a little difficult. It doesn’t help when you move 13+ hours to a new state for your career. 

The hardest part of this chapter so far is balancing it all. I am still learning things on my 9-5 and now I am trying to figure out this blogging/online store thing. Although I would call myself a learner by nature, it would be nice to get a break from figuring things out. I am also new to the area I live in now, so I don’t have any after work or happy hours spot to go to and unwind. So as you could imagine, I have been pulling all of my “pick-me-up” techniques out of my self-care bag LOL.

Laying out a plan for developing my business has really helped though. I identified some milestones/short and long-term goals and have put them on my calendar. I also gave myself a pretty lengthy timeframe to get things up and running. I am in no hurry and (being the Virgo that I am) want things to be perfect. 

All in all, I am super excited and despite the difficulty finding balance I am enjoying the process. I’m sure I’m not the first or only person having to pull a balancing act, so if anyone has any lessons learned from their experience with this please feel free to share.


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