We aren’t all planners, but as the quote goes “those who fail to plan, plan to fail”!

Getting your life together is no easy task. As you get older, it seems like life tends to pile up on you most days. Especially if you have kids. Planning and preparation can turn a tornado into tumbleweed if done correctly. The benefits of planning totally outweigh the few minutes it takes to jot down your plans for the next day.

Some benefits of planning your day/week/month include:
Reduced stress. Time management can have a huge impact on your stress level. Cutting down on tight timelines, surprises, and rushing from here to there can directly lower your stress level. 
Increased productivity. Planning out your day can help to better manage your workload leading to getting more done and increased productivity.
More available time. Although we can’t extend our 24 hours in a day to 32. Simple things like waking up a little earlier and checking items off your list can free up time for better things like happy hour and online shopping. 
Less wasted time. Having the day’s activities laid out cuts down on the time you waste trying to figure out what you forgot. 

I created a digital planner for my techies or for those who prefer an ipad over a book. Digital planners are just as easy to use and (thanks to modern technology) are just as adorable as physical planners. It includes a monthly overview, weekly layout, daily layout, monthly budget, paycheck budget, and a notes page. This planner fits my planning needs. It is simple and easy to navigate. An expensive and cluttered planner is so not necessary and those types of planners can be a bit intimidating. 

Subscribe to our mailing list to receive a free download of the digital planner.

One thing I would add is scheduling in some fluff time. If you think a task will take 30 minutes, add an extra 10 to the end of that just in case. Don’t get me wrong, I know ish happens and sticking to the plan isn’t always possible. But...when you already have outlined what needs to be accomplished for the day and some idea of when things need to be done and where to be at what time, even pop-ups can’t stop you from accomplishing at least a few things on your list. Try making a contingency plan for unexpected problems a part of your planning process.


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