Skincare for Your Face Post Gym!

There are a number of excuses anyone could make to not go to the gym and honestly...some of them are kinda valid! Working out can sweat your hair out especially around the edges (my mom sweats all throughout her head...poor her!), can be costly, and my big issue….can cause ACNE! Sweat acne is a battle for me. It doesn’t deter me from working out, but it's really annoying. Bacteria that causes acne uses dried sweat as a source of food. 

Acne can be caused by a few factors including bacteria.  When a follicle becomes blocked by dried sweat, the skin’s natural lubricant is trapped in the follicle. Bacteria thrives in this environment. This can result in breakouts and I GET THE SAME 3 ACNE BUMPS IN THE SAME PLACE ON MY CHEEKS OVER AND OVER! The breakouts that I would get not only looked awful, but they were itchy and a little painful. I had to find a remedy and fast. So if you are like me and breakout after workouts, I have listed 5 ways to avoid post workout acne.

1. Remove all of your makeup before your workout
I feel like this one is a given, but I have seen a number of women come to the gym and workout with a full face of makeup. Even if you don't plan to or typically don't sweat much, working out in your makeup only worsens the problem. You want to be sure not to clog your pores with makeup ingredients. Besides, no one expects you to be beautiful while jogging on the treadmill.
2. Be sure to put on clean workout clothes
Clothing can hold on to dead skin, bacteria, and oil. Be sure to workout in clothing that has been washed since the last time you wore them. You should really pay attention to the look and smell of your gym clothes. Over time bacteria builds up in the material and no amount of washes can get rid of all of it. Once your gym wear appears really worn or has a bit of a smell, you should throw them out. You can wash them with baking soda, white vinegar, detergent, and in hot water until then.
3. Use a clean towel to wipe off your sweat
The same as above goes for your gym towels. I do quite a bit of sweat during my workout and hate looking for paper towels to blot my face with. You want to make sure your gym towel has been washed since the last time you used it.
4. Wipe off shared equipment before you use it
Gyms typically have sanitary wipes you can use to wipe off equipment, use them!
5. Shower or at least wash your face immediately following your workout
I would also suggest buying a pack of facial wipes or baby wipes to have on hand. I have a pack of Huggies Natural Care Baby Wipes in my car/gym bag and wipe my face with them after my workout even though I am going directly home to shower and thoroughly wash my face.

Don’t get me wrong, the benefits of working out totally outweigh the drawbacks. I don't think I need to go into all of the advantages of working out. Don’t let the few disadvantages stop you from being a healthy you!



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