January Online Store Update!

I am 6 months out now. And I’m still learning something new every day. Over the past month or so, I’ve devoted most of my time to my blog and getting to know you all on social media. One task in particular has been a little rough, and that is design graphics to post that relay useful information all while being appealing to the eye. 

I have been focusing really heavy on researching inventory and vendors. I’m also still trying to master the digital marketing aspect. Something interesting that I learned was that you can purchase wholesale inventory from many of the same brands you see in department stores. I’ve started looking at the tags of items I like and googling them to see if they offer wholesale. Even if I don’t see wholesale offering on their website, I am thinking that I’m going to start emailing them just to inquiry about it anyway. Many useful resources are right in front of you and you don’t even realize it.

I am really getting a sense of fulfillment and that’s what’s most important!


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